
fluffer nutter

I still have no idea what to call these posts, so today I just went with the first thing that popped into my head. I don't know if that's a good thing or bad...

Some more help from the AAM prompts. This one gives you a snapshot of me as a kid. I realize it would be helpful to have a picture to accompany the post, but alas, life is all about disappointments.

Me Then

I was born in Tucson, AZ.
My parents are six years apart in age, which seemed like an eternity when I was younger.
My siblings were never meant to be.
My town was once a booming mining town in Southern Arizona, but when I lived there it was a hippie mecca.
My school was... both my refuge and my scary place.
Our pets were varied and never liked to stay at home. They all ran away.
It's here that I'm supposed to tell you my favorite childhood memory. But I don't have one. That's not to say I had a miserable childhood. I just have a miserable memory.
Our vacations were stressful and hectic and downright awesome.
My grandparents spoiled me. It was fun being the only grandchild.
My hobbies were reading and... reading. Yeah, I wasn't an active kid.
My favorite foods were anything that was forbidden. Sugary cereal. Kool-aid. Mysterious, brightly colored foods.
My friends lived in books. I was horribly shy for a very long time, and didn't start making good friends until the end of high school.
I loved the color purple and Jordan Knight.
I feared pretty much everything. I was a blast to be around.

Wow. My husband would argue that I probably haven't come a long way, though my love for Mr. Knight has waned significantly. But I think I'm a lot better at making friends now.

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