
tuesday, tuesday, gotta get down on tuesday

And a good morning to you!

Let's see, since we last spoke, I opened my Etsy shop and slowly began driving my family crazy. Yay for indie businesses!

Honestly, opening the shop has been awesome. I am so happy and so excited, and yes, there are road bumps (including a major one that made me weep last night, but that I've hopefully solved, MacGuyver-style), but I love making these products and sharing them. Plus, you know, they smell good. That's always a bonus.

Two (and a half) shop-related things to tell you about:

1. I'm having a GRAND OPENING SALE! That's right, all items are available for a seriously low and awesome price until February 29, so grab your goodies now and get hooked.

1.5 There's a Facebook page for the store. Like away like a mad person and learn about new products and relish the opportunity to call me out in public.

2. Carrie is hosting a CUH-RAZY giveaway on her blog -- it's bento madness! I really didn't want to tell you about this giveaway because I love bentos and I don't want anyone to enter because I want to win ALL THE BENTOS but Carrie is hilarious and super sweet (and hawt, ya'll) and offered me a little spot on her site to peddle my wares. Go enter her giveaway and then stay for the blog.