
where i've been

Update: My dad is home and resting and recovering. Thanks to everyone for your kind notes, emails, messages and tweets. People are awesome. Okay, not all of them. Just you.

I'm sorry.

I haven't been making lists.

When I'm not at work, I spend a lot of time on Pinterest.

I have a Smash book on my desk I haven't opened since the first initial flurry of writing and pasting when I got it.

Facebook hasn't been able to hold my attention, but Twitter has received the majority of my thoughts.

I don't call anyone.

I laughed yesterday and it hurt.

I skipped yoga on Monday to work and regretted it instantly. Then and now.

My father is sick. Very sick. He's been sick for eleven years but this time feels different. I don't know how and I don't know why but it does. Staying in the hospital makes it worse, so after a bit more time with an IV, they're sending him home today. I'm flying out this weekend.

I'm sorry I haven't been here. I haven't really been anywhere lately.


30Days: 7

I've been neglectful of my lists, so seeing today's prompt was fitting.


30Days: 1

I'm participating in 30 Days of Lists! Here's the first: goals for the month.